Saturday, May 16, 2020

Noise of Appreciation

    Over the last few weeks a group of neighbors, in Bogota, have gathered in front of their home to show their support of the Women and Men working to help others at this time.  The Bogota Noise of Appreciation is based on the model performed by the resident in New York City.  Every evening at 7:00p the residents of Larch Avenue and West Grove Street meet outside on their front porches to bang their pots, pan, cheer, and ring their bells in appreciation of all our frontline workers. Started by Cornelia Geraghty, Kathy Ferris and Jeanne Cook about one month ago Since that time several more residents join the nightly noise event, including: Mary Ellen, Pat and Conor Murphy; Aneesa, Yusuf and Sameera Baig; Henry & Mary Komorowski; Jim Musto & Joy Hermalyn, and Jeff McCann. 
  This has continued everyday regardless of weather conditions. In the early days the participant would remain on their porches and join in. As the temperatures have become milder many have stepped into the front yards and would wave, encourage, and clap together with neighbors.  Smile and well wishes are exchange from the next lawn, or from across the Street all joining in to make one unifying sound. The instruments being used range from pots, and pans, various types of bell, drums or just clapping and shouts of support. There are also a few family pet joining in to add their voice.  
   There is also a growing bond the neighbors are forming. If one member has not joined in for a day or two, the others are contacting them to make sure they are doing well. So far the absentees just have understandable situations for an missed day. Another benefit is having a sense of routine to what may seem like an formless amount of days. Dinner schedules are planned to be ready after 7 O'Clock, update of that days weather need to check, and the idea of looking for a different noise maker for this time. No one person leads the group to begin, but when one feels the time has come to start the other freely join in. The sounds continue for about five minutes, or if arms get tired.  Then the neighbors thank each other for attending, and well wishes until the next day. They hope is that all of Bogota will join them 7:00p, everyday, rain or shine, and make what ever Noise of Appreciation they can.  

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