Friday, August 19, 2022

Street Painting


     On Thursday-18-August crews painted traffic lines on the newly paved section of Larch Ave.  This was from W. Main St. to the Teaneck boarder.  They used a Thermoplastic painting system which was applied hot to create a stronger bond on the asphalt. This type of application is excepted to have a life span of at least five years, which reduces the need for annual repainting. Another part of this process was to add glass powder as a top coat to be more reflective at night.  
   The finish look is a double yellow down the centre of Larch Ave. On both side side of the street a single white line was added to create a parking shoulder.  This is one continuance space with no individual parking spaces. One exception is the handicapped space in front of the Public Library. There are also new cross walks and stop lines at W. Main St. 

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                                  (To help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports
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