Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Bogota Board of Education

  On Tuesday-31-March the Bogota Board of Education held their second meeting for the month of March. This was originally scheduled for Tuesday-24-March but was postponed due to the current health situation.  This meeting was live streamed on Zoom and accessible as a teleconference.  Before the meeting could officially start one trustee  question the legality of Mr. Jim Moore being pointed to fill the vacant seat on the Board. The Trustee was told by the Board’s  Attorney that the process of seating Mr. Moore was done properly. 
  When the meeting was official called into session Superintendent Mr. Damien Kennedy  gave an update on the procedures dealing with the effects from covid-19.  He first mention at New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy was not going to consider making a decision by 19-April to allow schools to reopen. He added that the district will continue use remote learning for the time being.  Mr Kennedy said that the district will use a snow day to extend the Spring break by one day. Spring break will start on Monday-6-April and run to Monday-13-April. At this time there will be no online classes. Online learning will begin again on Tuesday-14-April. He added that the “Grab-N-Go”  lunches will continue during Spring Break. This will now included all Students, 17 years old and younger, who live in the Borough can now receives these meals. This is open to Students who are not part of the Public School System.  Meals are available Week day from 10:30a to 12:30p in front of the High School  at the Student drop-off point. Later in the meeting it was explained that all extra food from those days will be donated to the Bogota Office of Emergency Management to be distributed as they see fit. Mr Kennedy added that about 400 Chrome books are being lent to Student in need along the necessary internet access.  Another item he discussed was to add to the agenda, a resolution to opposes the New Jersey Assembly Bill #3902. This bill would allow to delay Quarterly property tax payments to local school districts.  The resolution cites that this delay would cause financial hardships on New Jersey Schools  as they are still engaged  with remote learning and home instruction.  
   All agenda items were passed. Items of note included the appointment of Mr. Vincent Caramico as Interim Principal at  Steen School effective from 20-April-2020 to 23-October-2020. This is due to the Maternity leave of Principal Dayle Collins. Another item was the appointment of Mr. Barry McCann as Musical Vocal Director, at the High School for the 2019-20 School year. 
  The next Board of education meeting is schedule for Tuesday-21-April. The Board is planning on having this meeting also be live streamed, and be a part of a teleconference.
  Updates and announcements from the Bogota Board of Education will be available at:    https://www.bogotaboe.com 

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NJEDA to support State businesses


New Jersey Economic Development Authority Announces New Initiatives to Support Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

TRENTON, N.J. (March 26, 2020) – The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) Board today
 approved a suite of new programs designed to support businesses and workers facing economic hardship 
due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19.
The package of initiatives includes a grant program for small businesses, a zero-interest loan program for mid-size
companies, support for private-sector lenders and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), 
funding for entrepreneurs, and a variety of resources providing technical support and marketplace information.
 Taken together, they will provide more than $75 million of State and private financial support, with the 
opportunity to grow to more than $100 million if additional philanthropic, State, and federal resources become
 available. The initiatives will support between 3,000 and 5,000 small and midsize enterprises and are meant to
 complement recently announced federal economic recovery initiatives.
More information about the programs is available here: https://cv.business.nj.gov.
“The outbreak of the novel coronavirus in New Jersey has sent us into uncharted territory,
 and the economic impacts will be significant and far-reaching, especially on Main Street. 
The scope and scale of this new challenge requires immediate action to support New Jersey 
workers and businesses,” said Governor Phil Murphy. “The new NJEDA programs announced
 today are a critical step that will mitigate the economic impacts of this unprecedented 
challenge and help workers and businesses to weather the storm and come out stronger 
when things return to normal.”
Development of the grant program, support for CDFIs, and flexibility for current NJEDA
borrowers was enabled by the legislature through A3845. Primary sponsors of the legislation
include Assemblymembers Roy Freiman, Louis D. Greenwald, Ronald S. Dancer, and 
Senators Nilsa Cruz-Perez, and Brian Stack.
The new NJEDA initiatives focus on businesses that have been hit hardest by the 
novel coronavirus outbreak: local small businesses, mid-size businesses that have had to
close or drastically reconfigure operations, and new businesses who were just getting on
their feet before the crisis hit. The programs provide a suite of compatible offerings that
address these businesses’ varied needs and include mechanisms to provide funding 
and assistance as quickly as possible.
Many of the resources are designed to be scalable with the addition of federal and 
philanthropic resources if they become available. Philanthropic partners interested in
 donating to support the NJEDA’s small business grant program should reach out to:
“Small- and medium-sized enterprises are the heartbeat of New Jersey’s economy and it is 
crucial that we do what we can to provide the resources and assistance they need to
 withstand the outbreak of novel coronavirus,” said NJEDA Chief Executive Officer
 Tim Sullivan. “In coordination with our partners throughout State government, we are
 undertaking an unprecedented effort to support these businesses and the New Jersey
 residents who rely on them for their livelihoods. These are challenging times, but New 
Jerseyans are resilient, and together we will get through this and rebuild our economy.”
The suite of new initiatives includes:

Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program – A $5 million program that
 will provide grants up to $5,000 to small businesses in retail, arts, entertainment, recreation,
 accommodation, food service, and other services – such as repair, maintenance, personal, 
and laundry services – to stabilize their operations and reduce the need for layoffs or

Small Business Emergency Assistance Loan Program – A $10 million program that 
will provide working capital loans of up to $100,000 to businesses with less than $5 million in
 revenues. Loans made through the program will have ten-year terms with zero percent for 
the first five years, then resetting to the EDA’s prevailing floor rate (capped at 3.00%) for 
the remaining five years.

Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) Emergency Loan Loss
 Reserve Fund – A $10 million capital reserve fund to take a first loss position on CDFI
 loans that provide low interest working capital to micro businesses. This will allow CDFIs
 to withstand loan defaults due to the outbreak, which will allow them to provide more loans
 at lower interest rates to microbusinesses affected by the outbreak.

CDFI Emergency Assistance Grant Program – A $1.25 million program that will
 provide grants of up to $250,000 to CDFIs to scale operations or reduce interest rates for
 the duration of the outbreak.

NJ Entrepreneur Support Program – A $5 million program that will encourage
 continued capital flows to new companies, often in the innovation economy, and temporarily
 support a shaky market by providing 80 percent loan guarantees for working capital loans
 to entrepreneurs.   

Small Business Emergency Assistance Guarantee Program – A $10 million program
 that will provide 50 percent guarantees on working capital loans and waive fees on loans 
made through institutions participating in the NJEDA’s existing Premier Lender or Premier
 CDFI programs.

Emergency Technical Assistance Program – A $150,000 program that will support 
technical assistance to New Jersey-based companies applying for assistance through the
 U.S. Small Business Administration. The organizations contracted will be paid based on 
SBA application submissions supported by the technical assistance they provide.
Additional details on the NJEDA’s new programs, including complete eligibility requirements
New Jersey’s response to the novel coronavirus outbreak is available 
here: https://covid19.nj.gov/.
About the New Jersey Economic Development Authority
The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) serves as the State’s principal 
agency for driving economic growth. The NJEDA is committed to making New Jersey a
 national model for inclusive and sustainable economic development by focusing on key
 strategies to help build strong and dynamic communities, create good jobs for New Jersey
 residents, and provide pathways to a stronger and fairer economy. Through partnerships 
with a diverse range of stakeholders, the NJEDA creates and implements initiatives to
 enhance the economic vitality and quality of life in the State and strengthen New Jersey’s long-term economic competitiveness.
To learn more about NJEDA resources for businesses call NJEDA Customer Care

Monday, March 30, 2020

Virtual Meetings

   The latest virtual public meeting in and around Bogota have been scheduled.
Bogota Board of Education 
Tuesday-31- March to begin at 7:00 PM. Action may or may not be taken. This will be a virtually meeting
Please go to the link below to join. 
Online at: https://zoom.us/j/302191119 
By iphone one-tap US: +16465588656,,302191119# or +13126266799,,302191119# 
Dial up phone at:Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782  
Webinar ID: 302 191 119 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/agfyNbih2

Bogota Borough Council
The originally schedule meeting for Thursday-2-April has been move Thursday-16-April. 
The previous Council meeting was available online or by phone.
Arrangement are being made to offer a live stream, or phone connections. More information will be posted when it is made available. 

Teaneck Board of Education
Workshop Meeting:  Wednesday-1- April at 5:30p.
The meeting will take place virtually.  
Please click this link to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/713642430

Or iPhone one-tap : US: +13126266799,,713642430# or +16465588656,,713642430# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 713 642 430 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aczpRRupuq
For more information including a call-in phone number, 

Teaneck Township Council
Open Meeting Monday-6-April 8:00p
The previous Council meeting was available online or by phone.
Council meeting are regularly available at;  http://teanecktownnj.iqm2.com/citizens/default.aspx 
Arrangement are being made to offer additional live stream, or phone connections. More information will be posted when it is made available.

Ridgefield Park
Board of Commissioners 
Caucus meeting Thursday-9-April 7:00p
Arrangement are being made to offer a teleconference. More information will be posted when it is made available.  

     (it is asked that while attending this event you  inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) 

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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )   

Sunday, March 29, 2020

This Weeks Humor

This Weeks Humor

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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Interfaith Service

   On Sunday-29-March  Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameduddin, along with Deputy Mayors Elie Katz & Mark Schwartz, will be hosting an Community Interfaith call. This is scheduled to start at  3:00p.  Also participating will be leaders from different faiths including:
- Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky, Congregation Beth Sholom
- Rev Greg Jackson, Pastor Mt. Olive Baptist Church
- Pastor Jusung Kim, Good News Church
- Reverend Dr. Keith Attles, Covenant Life Ministries Church
- Imam Sayeed Quereshi, Darul-Islah Mosque
To listen to this event please call 563-999-1684

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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )

Friday, March 27, 2020

Bogota Board of Education

27- March-2020
  The Bogota Board of Education has announced the following updates. The Regular Session Meeting scheduled for Tuesday-24- March was  postponed.  There will now be a virtual meeting on Tuesday-31- March to begin at 7:00 PM. Action may or may not be taken. This  will be a virtually meeting
Please go to the link below to join. 
Online at: https://zoom.us/j/302191119 
By I phone one-tap US: +16465588656,,302191119# or +13126266799,,302191119# 
Dial up phone at:Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782  
Webinar ID: 302 191 119 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/agfyNbih2

Also announced was that  New Jersey  Governor  Phil Murphy stated  that he would not  revisit opening schools until at least 17- April-2020. The Board of Education has been  working on a more structured schedule during this very unique time.  On the bottom of this story you will find your Student's daily schedule for the extended school closure They will continue to improve , and fine tune the schedule as needed.  There is a Bogota Jr./Sr. High School schedule and also an elementary schedule so please use the correct schedule for you Students.
    All state testing has been cancelled this year as our main focus is on daily instruction.
   For those families that qualify for free and reduced meals, grab and go meals are still available weekdays between the hours of 10:00a to 12:00 noon at the Bogota Jr/Sr High School student drop off lane. Please visit the front of the High School where  a food distribution system is in place. Please note that there will be no meals served from  Monday-6-April to Monday-13-April during Spring Break.
   The Board of Education is working and making  chromebooks and internet access for all students. If you are in need of a chromebook or need help with internet access, please email chromebook@bogotaboe.com.  The School District's IT department will make arrangements
with you. Please continue to work with your Teachers and Principals to help student learning. We expect all students to join the teacher’s google classroom as soon as possible. Click on this short guide on how to join and access google classroom
Any Student using a school chromebook, must to log in with the student’s school email and password, personal passwords will not work.

Updated Schedules

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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Bogota Borough Council

 On Thursday-26- March the Bogota Borough Council held a virtual meeting.  Bogota Mayor Chris Kelemen, and all six Council Members were connected by either an online presentation or by a live group telephone conference.  The meeting featured a basic agenda.   Anyone who accessed the meeting by phone could be called on during the Public remarks session. Two listeners took advantage of this (one in each session)  they wish everyone well and thanked the local government and the public employees of Bogota of their hard work and dedication at this time.
   All of the items on the agenda were passed. One item passed was the introduction of the 2020 Municipal Budget.  This budget is projected to have only a $68.00 tax increase. This works out to $5.00 a month. The budget will be presented to the public at the Council meeting scheduled for Thursday-6-May. This will be open for the public to review and comment on. The location will be announced  as the current situation allows. Another was the passage of an ordinance that will designate a number of intersections to stop signs installed were needed. 
   When all the agenda were voted on Mayor Kelemen and Council members urge all resident of the Borough stay vigilant with their health. Along with looking out for their neighbor who may be in extra need. One example that was cited was the work of Recreation Director Jim Moore, who is aiding senior citizens, with food  and other deliveries. Mr. Moore has also driven some seniors to Doctor and health appointments. 
  There was a question about to push back the next Council Meeting originally scheduled for Thursday 2-April.  A decision on this  will be announced  in the near future. then the meeting was adjourned. 
  Later on Thursday night Mayor Kelemen released an address to the Citizens of Bogota. This can be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/watch Mayor Kelemen
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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )

Weekend Humor....Plus

   A reminder that on Thursday-26-March the Bogota Borough Council meeting will be available to be access by a number of different ways. 
 -Online at: https://zoom.us  to use this service a view may have to a create an account in order to sign-in. Meeting ID is: 468691219
 -By one tap mobile use +9292056009,,468691219#US (New York)
 -By dialing in at  +1 929 205 6009  US (New York) Meeting ID is: 468691219
The start time will be 7:30p

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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )

Plus some weekend humor

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bogota Council Meeting

  The Borough of Bogota has announced that the Council meeting scheduled for Thursday-26-March will be a virtual meeting. The start time will be 7:30p.  The meeting can be access by a number of different ways. 
  Online at: https://zoom.us  to use this service a view may have to a create an account in order to sign-in. Meeting ID is: 468691219
  By one tap mobile use +9292056009,,468691219#US (New York)
  By dialing in at  +1 929 205 6009  US (New York) Meeting ID is: 468691219

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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )

Telephone Meeting

 On Tuesday-24-March the Township of Teaneck held a first ever Council meeting that could be listen to using a telephone. The meeting was also available on the public access channels for both cable systems operating in Teaneck. The meeting was also broadcast on a live stream using the official Teaneck web-site.  This was a shorten version of the regular meeting with only a limited number of items discussed.  The meeting open with Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin asking for a moment of silence to remember  the two Teaneck resident who have succumbed to the covid-19 virus. Then Mayor Hameeduddin, and Township Manager Dean Kazinci gave an update on the situation within Teaneck. Both men repeated the responsibility and duties of Government Officials  along with the residents. Mayor Hameeduddin also asked if any person, or business, have access to urgent  medical supplies like masks, gloves, gowns, or other supplies to be donated to either the Township’s Emergency Services or to Holy Name Hospital.  Next came Teaneck Health Officer Ken Katter gave the most recent statics of covid-19 cases. In Teaneck 145 cases have been reported, and 540 in Bergen County. He said that, in Teaneck,  any new case is reported when the investigation is opened. Mr Katter continued in saying that with more testing sites being used and those findings being reported the number of case will rise. 
   Then the meeting was opened to the Public Input session. This was done by allowing those who called in to have a chance to speak to the Mayor, and Council, only two speakers took advantage of this opportunity.  
   When the Public Input was finished the Council voted on agenda items.  First was the voting on five new Ordinances. All five Ordinances passed, one of the most noteworthy that was passed was to lower the speed limit on  W. Englewood Ave from River Rd to Windsor Rd. The new speed limit was lowered to 25 MPH. Then there was the resolution for the introduction of the 2020 Municipal Budget.This will be presented to Public on the 12-May Council meeting for a final vote. Also at this time Council voted on resolutions that certifies compliance US Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions guidance. Along the Budget for the Cedar Lane Improvement District  All three resolutions were passed. 
   To watch the public meeting please go to: http://teanecktownnj.iqm2.com
   The next Council meeting is scheduled for  Monday-6-April at 8:00p. 

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 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )