Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Bogota Preschool

   On Tuesday-30-October the Bogota Board of Education held an open information session about the districts new preschool program. This was lead by Samuel Chiang  on behalf the Board of Education. Lourdes Abbate, from Trinity Lutheran School, served as a translator for Spanish speaking adults and Ann Lepore-Timpone representing Bogart school. 
    Starting on Wednesday-2-January-2019 the Bogota Board of Education will have an all day preschool for resident of Bogota. The Bogota public School District has received a grant to offer pre-school classes for Students ages 3 & 4 who are full time resident of Bogota. There will be no cost to the family, as it will now become part of the Bogota Public School System. The program will start with a limited number of spaces available, and the School District will hold a lottery on which Students will be accepted. There will be priority for Student aged 4 by Oct. 1-2018.
  The first year of this program classes will be held in 3 different locations. One Class will be in Steen School, One will be held in Trinity School, with two classes held in Bogart School.  Special education self contained preschool  program will continue to be at Bixby.  Classroom assignment of registered students in district will be based on geographic location.  The Board of Education will work to develop a convenience location and drop-off/pick up schedule. 
   Mr. Chiang said that there will 45 spaces available for this first year. 12 of those spaces will be set aside for Special Needs Students.  The maximum number of Students in any one class will be 15 with 3 space for Special Needs Students. The preschool will follow the current Public school Calendar , and daily schedule. A class day will be 6 hours from 8:30a to 2:30p with a lunch break.  The Pre-school will be using the Creative Curriculum style of teaching which: highlights the important balance between applying a general knowledge of child development with the particular knowledge a teacher gains by forming a relationship with each child and family.
  The Classes being taught at Trinity and Bogart will use the current Teachers at those school. The class for Steen will be a new hire, as well as a Master Teacher that will oversees all four classes. All current and new Teachers will be accredited to teach in New Jersey. 
   The Bogota Pre-School will not provided and after care program, or any Religious  classwork. Both of this may be obtain at  Trinity and Bogart at the Parents cost.
  They will be accepting applications at the Board Office until Friday-16- November.  Placement of those Student accepted will be done on Monday-26- November. Families will be notified on Tuesday-27- November. Classes will start after the School District holiday break with the first day being .
   Lottery application are now available and will continue until Friday-16-November. Application are available at the Board of Education offices located at 1 Henry Luthin Pl. Completed application must be return to the Board of Education before Friday-16-November. 
   For more information or question please visit their website at: or by calling 201-441-4800 ext 1009

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( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports

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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween


      Happy Halloween
      Booogota Blog NJ

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Lady Bucs Volleyball

  - The  Dayton Bulldogs of Springfield NJ have finally been named to play the Bogota Football Bucs on Saturday-3-November.  This will be the Homecoming game at Feigel Field with the Kick-off scheduled for 1:00p. Start at 12:30p the Senior Football Players, and Cheerleaders will be honoured with their Parents. The Bogota Marching Bucccaneer Band, and Twiller Seniors will be honoured at Halftime.

 The #2 Bogota Lady Bucs Volleyball team played  the opening match in the NJISSA Group I Womens Volleyball Tournament. The hosted  #31 Lady Panthers Technology High School from Newark NJ.  Bogota would win the match 2-0-(25-3: 25-6).
   Amy Chavez had a match high with 12 Service Points, including 4 Aces. Brianna Lozano also scored 4 Aces. Leila Ksiyer and Nylene Mateo had 6 Kills a piece. Alyssa Vazquez had 22 Assists. Amy Chavez and Sophia Marquez each had 4 Digs.
   Bogota moves to the second round where they will play the Waldwick Lady Warriors. This will be on Thursday-1-November and be at Speary Gym. First serve is scheduled for 7:00p

Select photos from the Bogota Blog NJ collection of  Bogota Sports are now available for purchase. These may be order from the Bogota Blog NJ Zenfolio store at: Bogotablognj /Bogota Sports 

( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports
 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )   

Select photos from the Bogota Blog NJ collection of  Bogota Sports are now available for purchase. These may be order from the Bogota Blog NJ Zenfolio store at: Bogotablognj /Bogota Sports 

( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports
 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )   

Monday, October 29, 2018

Haunted Library

   On Saturday-27-October the Bogota Public Library held their annual "Haunted Library". This started with a few scary movies to create a halloween mood for the Children and their Parents.  When the movie ended the costumed attendants had the opportunity to play a few game, or make some spooky crafts to take home. Finally the Tunnel of Terror was open to the bravest who dared to explore it.

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( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports

 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )   

Bogota Marching Buccaneers Band

  On Sunday-28-October the Bogota Marching Buccaneers Band competed in the Bloomfield Fall Marching Band Invitational. 14 schools schools performed their 15 minute show to impress the Judges, and to entertain the Audience.  Bogota  presented their full2018 show " Music of the Rolling Stone."  They received excellent scores for presentation, and percussion, but place third in their group. 
   They next will perform on Saturday-2-November at Feigel Field during halftime of the Homecoming game. Then again on Sunday-3-November at  72th North Jersey Band Festival at Montclair State University.  The events starts at 4:00p with Bogota scheduled to be the third band to perform. ( Rain date will be Sunday -11-November also at 4:00p). Bogota has been the only High School band to attend all 71  prior festivals. Tickets are $10.00 in advance, and $15.00 at the gate. parking cost $6.00 . Tickets may be purchased from any band member.  For more information please contact Band Director Barry McCann at

Select photos from the Bogota Blog NJ collection of  Bogota Sports are now available for purchase. These may be order from the Bogota Blog NJ Zenfolio store at: Bogotablognj /Buccaneer Band 

( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports
 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )   

Select photos from the Bogota Blog NJ collection of  Bogota Sports are now available for purchase. These may be order from the Bogota Blog NJ Zenfolio store at: Bogotablognj /Buccaneer Band 

( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports
 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )