Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Middle School Concert


On Monday-20-May the Bogota Middle School held their Spring Concert for 2024. The Bands, the Choir, and the Dance Company took turns performing, instead of having one section at a time like the High School’s Concerts. The 6th grade Band went first, playing the “March Royale”. Then the Choir sang “For Good” from “Wicked”, followed by the 7th grade Band performing “Dragons of the Ancient Court”. Next, the Dance Company danced to a medley of music they called “Barbie World”, which included songs like “Run the World (Girls)”. Afterwards, the 6th grade Band played “An American Symphony”, with the Choir singing “Sisi Ni Moja” right after. The Dance Company came back to dance to another medley they called “Turn the Music Up”, choreographed by the first five dancers and including songs like “OMG”. Before the finale, the 7th grade Band had their turn with “Jupiter”, and finally, everyone came together to perform and dance to “High Hopes”.

                                                                Story by Sydney Mazzella

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