Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bogota Borough Council

   On Thursday-24-March the Bogota Borough Council held their first meeting for the month of March.
   A number of items were considered for open discussion. The first was an update on the status of the Central Ave. Fire House, and the proposed new Fire House on West Shore Ave. Central Ave has been repaired enough to allow Hose Co.#2 to continue to operate from there.  With the opening of 31 Fairview Ave for use as offices for the Fire Department, and other Bogota Emergency Services, the design for the West Shore Fire House may be reduced in order to reduce the cost. Meeting with the Fire Chiefs and members of Council is planned.
   Representatives of the Bogota Emergency Services Youth Academy gave a presentation of their planned Summer Schedule. Ms. Elizabeth Wieskus, and Mr. Craig Lynch announced that they are hoping to have Class 09  run from 22-July to 2-August. They said that they will have a proposal for Council on the Thursday-7-April meeting. Also they are in discussions the Bogota Board of Education for the use of some of their facilities. 
  A discussion point voted one was to advertise for a Tree Hazard Expert to study and report on all trees in Olson Park. This is to learn the conditions of all the trees, and on how they would impact the proposed Recreation Centre. This was passed by unanimous vote. 
  Also in was voted on  was to return to in-person Council meetings starting on Thursday-7-April. Members of Council expressed their concerns over online access to this, and future, meetings. This was passed by unanimous vote. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of 375 Larch Ave, Bogota, NJ the Public is invited to attend.
    All agenda items were passed by unanimous vote. One item of note was the Council approved Mr. Connor O’Grady to become a member of Bogota Volunteer Fire Dept. Hook and Ladder Co. #1. Along Mr. Ryan Sharpe  to become a member of Bogota Volunteer Fire Dept. Engine Co. #3.
  The next Council meeting to Thursday-7-April. This will still be in-person and start at 7:30p and is open to the Public. It  will be held in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of 375 Larch Ave, Bogota, 
For more information or to view the past meeting please visit their website at:

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                       ( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with it's coverage of Local stories & sports
 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ ) 

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