Sunday, June 9, 2024

Arts Awards

 On Wednesday-5-June, the Bogota High School Fine Arts Department held their Awards ceremony for 2024. This was held in Speary Gym. The program started with a video highlighting The Bogota Blues Buccaneers Band.
  Band Director Mr. David Abraham was the first presenter for awards for the Marching, Concert, and Jazz Bands. This began with handing out the service pins to the band members. This included a high of 27 musicians receiving a pin for their first year as a band member. Next was to award a certificate to each one of the 7 Section Leaders. This was followed by the Trumpets being named section of the year. Then Special Certificates were presented to Ms. Tsering Llama as Band Librarian, and Mr. Lucas Leong for Equipment Manager. Mr. Hector Lara was recognized as Most Improved. Ms. Taitum Sandoval-Diaz was honoured for Distinguished Service. Two awards given out were the John Philip Sousa Band Award which when to Mr. Yamil Garcia. Then Mr. Luis Ferrera received the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award. Before the Drum Major and Field Captain certificates for 2024 were handed out, Ms. Cristina Ter-Meliksetian was announced as the Drum Major for the Marching Buccaneer Band. This year’s Drum Major, Mr. Wilson Games, then passed the whistle to Ms. Ter-Meliksetian.
  The next presenter was Ms. Leslie Baker for the Colour Guard and Twirling honours. She presented the members of the squads with gift in recognition of the numerous awards that they won during the course of the season.
 Then Ms. Wendy Hughes gave out the award for the Drama Department. The first presentation was Buc-y Awards for the 2023-24 school year. First, the Spring Musical “Percy Jackson, the Musical.” With ten performers being announced. Then seven actors were recognized for their Part in the Fall play “Radium Girls”. Ms. Hughes added that the production of “Radium Girls” earned 5 nominations from the Montclair State University Theatre Awards. After this Ms. Hughes presented Ms. Makayla Chester with the Outstanding Dedication to the High School Drama Program.
  The next presenter was Ms. Mary Hochgesang who gave 21 Students who work on the Stage Crew from this School Year, certificated in honour of their service.
  Then Mr. Michael Prachthauser presented the Choir Awards. This This began with handing out the service pins to the members of the Concert Choir. There were nine first year members which brought the total number of Students participating to 25 for the school year. Then the section leaders received their Certificates of Recognition. Next Choir President Mr. Aydan Lowther and Vice President Ms. Darli Gonzalez were thanked for their work over the year.
  Mr. Prachthauser would announce that Ms. Darli Gonzalez was announced as the winner of the National School Choral Award. He would introduce the 2024-25 Choral Leadership Students. These will be Ms. Tsering Llama as Choral Librarian, Section Leaders Ms. Taitum Sandoval-Diaz, Ms. Lola Hernandez, Mr. Jared Clark, and Mr. Aydan Lowther. Mr. Lucas Mejia will be the Vice President. The new President for 2024-25 will be Mr. Ian Englehardt.
  After the awards were handed out the six Senior members from the Band and Choir were given Bogota Purple and Bucs Gold coloured flowers for their participation in the Bogota Fine Arts organizations.
  This was followed by the induction of the 10 new members of the Bogota Troop # 6085 of the International Thespian Society. They were Ms. Romoya Young, Ms. Isabella Cruz, Ms. Sofia Sanabria, Rosso, Ms. Isabella Medina, Ms. Anushka Shah, Ms. Ximena Vargas, Ms. Jahernys Barzallo, Mr. Christopher Pablo Pelen, Mr. Joseph Miller, and Mr. Stanley Sun.
 Then Ms. Hughes presented Ms. Mia Sneyers and Ms. Makayla Chester their ITS roping, to be worn at the Graduation Ceremony.
   After this the Band Parent Association took a moment to thank everyone in the Administration who helped support the Fine Arts in Bogota High School. They then recognize Ms. Wendy Hughes for her years of service, encouragement, guidance, and friendship to all the Students she had worked during her time in Bogota. This included her working on 18 Stage Productions. Ms. Hughes was presented with a number of gifts in thanks.

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