Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Lillian M. Steen Class of 2024


  On Thursday-13-June, the Lillian M. Steen School in Bogota held their Promotion Ceremony for the Class of 2024. This was held in the Moore Gym. 
  Mr. Zain Mahran and Mr. Satiago Mora led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Students of the Class of 2024 sang America the Beautiful. Next Steen Principal Ms. Kelly DeCongelio welcomed all those in attendance. She congratulated the Students for their achievements in school and asked they remember the Friends, Teachers, events, and other times as apart of Steen School. Principal DeCongelio told the Students to use all these experiences and move on to the next step however they liked.
  Then Superintendent Mr. Damian Kennedy talked about how the Students years in Steen can be used as lesson for their future. He told of the achievements made by this year’s Senior Class of Bogota High School. He added that with years of dedication and perseverance their results could be the same.
 Then the Student Speakers addressed the audience. There was a group of four Student speakers, they were: Ms. Arabella Leonardo, Ms. Natalie De La Rosa, Ms. Natale Lara, and Ms. Anabella Acencio. They talked about all the experiences at Steen School. From the first days of kindergarten, making new Friends, meeting the Teachers, going on field trips, playing in concerts, or just having fun together as memories of Steen School they will always carry with them.
 This was followed by a series of Students thanking the staff who helped during their time in school. The Security Officers that kept them safe. The Custodians who worked hard cleaning, repairing, and preparing for lunch so they could have a pleasant environment to learn in. The Bus Driver letting them travel to interesting places and bringing them back home. The support staff who would help them when needed and caring for them as much as the Teachers. All the Teachers who help them learn and grow. Along with Ms. Fowler who buzzed them into the building when they were late, arrange for books, homework, or instruments to be dropped off that the school, or contacting a Parent if needed.
   After this a number of school awards were announce. Some of the awards were The VFW Post #5561 for Highest Academic Achievement won by Ms. Caitlyn Lantigua and Mr. Abraham Alvarez.
  Other awards were for, Citizenship Award, Leadership Award, Sportsmanship, PTO awards, Safety Patrol, Student Council, and Perfect Attendance.
   Finally, the time came to have the 2024 Fifth Grade Class of the Lillian M. Steen school receive their Certificates of Promotion from Principal DeCongelio. When the final certificate was presented, Students Ms. Safina Torres and Mr. Josiah Rivera thank all the Parents for their love, and support over the years. Each of the Students had a rose to give their Parents before moving on to the next part of their Education.
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