Friday, June 10, 2022

Steen Dance


  On Thursday-9-June the Steen School had their Spring Concert for the Students.  They heard from the Third Grade Percussion Ensemble, the Fourth and Fifth Grade Bands, and the Fifth Grade Choir. This was followed by a number of Dance programs.  The first was Ms. Mary Grace Kennedy.  She performed a series of Irish Step dances for the Audience.  Afterwards Ms. Kennedy took the time to answer a few questions from the Students. She told them that she is a Middle School Student. When asked, she said she started dancing at five years old. Ms. Kennedy then said she normally practices several hours a day six days a week.
 The next group was the Bogota Middle School Dance Club led by Ms. Laura DeLaGarza. Before the curtain opened Ms. DeLaGarza showed a few techniques to learn new dances. One was to  use repetitions to show what should be done.  She would show a number of steps or moves & have the Students repeat them. Then Ms. DeLaGarza picked a couple of Volunteers    to join her.  The Student created their own moves and their Classmates would copy what they had done. Their show highlighted several forms of dance, including Jazz, Latin Fusion and Modern/Contemporary.  They also showed Ensemble, Duet, and Solo performances.

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