Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Week of the Arts

  On Monday-3-June the Elementary Schools in Bogota started their Week of the Arts event.   This is a celebration of some of the many artistic disciplines there are, and how art in everyday life can help students learn. To begin this week the Students are both Steen and Bixby schools saw a couple of live performances. The first performer was Mary Grace Kennedy who did a selection of traditional Irish Step Dances. The first two were done to Celtic songs while the third was dance to a variation using Hip Hop as the base rhythm. When she finished Miss Kennedy aloud the Students to ask a few questions.  Her answered surprised both here peers and the Teachers. She told them she was 10 years old, would practice four times a week, and has been dancing for five years. This earned her a second round of applause. 
   Next to perform was the Bogota High School Jazz band they showed off the different types of styles and sounds from the various types of instruments. Band Director Mr. Barry McCann had his musicians raise their instruments so the Students could see what the look like. From Woodwinds, to Brass, to percussion the band played a different piece to highlight each type of instruments.  The last songs performed allowed the Student a chance to get up and dance. The Students began moving they were joined by their Teachers, to fully enjoy how different forms of music can be enjoyed.  At Bixby the Jazz band was joined by guest Saxophone player Music Teacher Mr. Mike Webb. Mr. Webb would have a few solos to the delight of the Students. Week of the Arts continues for the rest of the week exposing the grade schools to even more styles of music. There will also be samples of the visual arts including pottery making, drawing and sculpture along with the Culinary Arts. Written forms of the fine arts will show how using words to create poetry and storytelling can used to expand the quality of living.

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