Tuesday, September 7, 2021

New School Year

  On Tuesday-7-September the Bogota Public School opened for the 2021-22 year. Orginal scheduled for Friday-3-September, it was needed to be pushed back to this day because of the damage caused by the weather last week. This year the phase “New School Year” took on a more expanded definition. To start with this will be the first time since march of 2020 all the school building will be opening for in-person. This will include a number of health and safety guideline because of the current conditions. Some of the guidelines is that every person entering a building must wear a mask at all times, expect when eating and drinking. Additional  lunch rooms may be used to maintain a save distance. All school breakfast, and lunches will be free to all Students. 
   There will be a new After-Care system that will be provided for all Student from Kindergarten to Fifth grade. Free after care is able to families that qualify for the normal free lunch program. 
  In the Lillian M Steen school there will be a new Principal,  Mr. Christopher Albiez will replace Dr Dayle Collins who retired at the end of last year. 
  Both Steen School and the E.Roy Bixby School will now have a Student enrolled starting at Pre-Kindergarten to Fifth Grade. 
   The Bogota High School will have a new Vice Principal, Mr. Malcom Lash. Mr. Lash will oversee the Eight grade class, along with all other duties needed for the Students in the High School.
   This is the first year of the Bogota Middle School. Students in grades Six and Seven grade will now have their own building to attend classed in. It was decided to move the Sixth grade class from the Elementary Schools, and the Seventh grade class from the High School to create the Middle School. They will use the former St. Joseph’s Schoolhouse.  When the Newark Archdiocese closed St. Joseph’s, the Bogota Board of Education took advantage of this opportunity to use this space.  The Bogota Board of Education and the Archdiocese agreed on a five year lease for use of the building.
   Middle School Principal Dr. Erick Alfonso welcomed the new Students to their first day in class.  He also greeted the Parents under an arch way of Bogota Purple and Bucs Gold balloons. On this day both classes enter by the main door located on the eastern end of the front wall facing E. Ft. Lee Rd.. Starting on Wednesday, Sixth Grade Student will use this same door. The Seventh Grade class will use the door located closer to Palisade Ave. This will allow them to go directly to the second floor for their first class of the day.  
   Five to ten minutes before the class day start any Students being served breakfast will need to go to their first class as well.  On this opening day the Seventh Grade Students had an assemble in the gym after first period. The Sixth Grade Student had a similarly one after Lunch.  The main focus of these talks was for Principal Alfonso to remind the Students what is to be expected of them in the coming school year. With the Seventh grade he first explained that in the past years he (at the High School) would be the administrator which oversaw their progress though-out the year. This year is different because for the second in a row they are the top grade level in the building.  Principal Alfonso wanted them to know that not only are they being prepared for High School, but they will also have the task of setting an example for the Sixth grade Student. And with them being the first Middle School Seventh Grade Class they have been charged with creating the standard of classes to come.
   Principal Alfonso explain the basic rules that will be enforce. Top of the list is promptness. Being to class, on time, and ready to learn is now their responsibly. Parents are not the ones going to serve detention for lateness, the Students will. Medical, and Family emergency will be accepted, but with confirmation from Medical Professionals, or prior communication with the Parents and Principal Alfonso is reqiured. To add to this he added that all drop offs, and pick-up can only take place in the parking lot across Palisades Ave from St. Joseph’s Church. Bogota Police will have officers to assist in crossing the street.  
  Next was uniforms. Only approved Board of Education uniforms will allowed to be worn. Bucs Gold shirt with Middle School logo, or Middle School Physical Education shirts. Black or Khaki pants, shorts, or skirts (also  Black or Khaki) but knee length.  Sweatshirts, or pullovers with out hoods are allowed. All over shirts with a zipper must be open to expose the uniform. jeans, or any torn, or ripped clothing item will not be allowed.  Cell phones must be turned off and stay in a backpack. When all the lockers are available then phones must stay in the locker for the entire school day.
   Lunch will only be in the Cafeteria. There will be a total of 8 Student per table allowed. The table will also have clear shield that are to used at all time. Lunches can not be taking outside. Masks can be lowered for eating and drinking. Masks can also be lowered when doing activities that include moving in Gym and dance class. Another time is if there is an outdoor class when the weather permits. 
  At times during this assembly Principal Alfonso needed to enforce the “One Voice” rule. Only the person talking, Himself, all the Teachers, and Staff, a Student who is asking, or answering a question should be the only voice heard. 
  When the time was over Principal Alfonso wished the Student success in the coming school. He reminded them any questions about scheduling, class work, uniforms, or anything else  should ask to the Administrator, or Instructors  for guidance. He that the this day was a “passed day” But starting on Wednesday all rules will be fully enforce. Before Students left for their next class there was time for individual and casual class photos.
   At the Lillian M Steen School new Principal Mr. Christopher Albiez welcomed the Students as they lined-up in the court yard. He gave a general talk to introduce himself to his new Students and to all the Parents that brought their Children to the First Day of School. During the school day Principal Albiez would visit each classroom  personally to learn more about them, and to ask the Student how they are doing. The at the end of the day Principal Albiez talked to as many Parents as possible to see how they are doing o this first day of school. He also talked to a number of Students how it felt to be back in school.  He and all the Teachers made sure the correct Parent, or older sibling, found the correct Student to return home with. He also checked on anyone picking up a Student for the new After-Care program was able to have their Student come out in a timely manner.
   Principal Albiez expressed pleasure on how the school day unfolded.  He talked about the happiness of the both the Students, and the Teachers, that shared with each other. And the joy of friends able to see and talk together. Principal Albiez said that he and his staff, along with the entire School District is working on keeping the school safe and healthy so in-person learning can continue. 

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